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tv   Headline News  RT  February 25, 2013 6:00am-6:28am EST

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washington invisible wall between the u.s. . security china. syria's government says it's ready to meet. even though. the rebels to give up.
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around the clock. welcome to the program. the competition between the u.s. and china has gone digital and the western superpower is a. key intelligence figures think america is already losing a major cyber war after accusing beijing of hacking deep into washington security this report. in january it is my pleasure to welcome president hu to the white house washington and beijing were the a list couple of geopolitics the positive constructive cooperative u.s. china relationship is good for the united states in february america's feelings are fleeting china unleashing its full spy power let's return to the alleged link between china's military and a prolific hacking group most cyber attacks are being carried out by teams inside the chinese military china is officially out of control because don't look now but
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prove today our sugar daddy is a thief beijing became an overnight security threat last week after the american information security firm mandiant identified a secretive chinese military unit as the likely source of hacking against u.s. corporations a charge china vehemently denies. however as the u.s. refocuses its military might from the middle east to china's backyard critics say it's no coincidence that beijing is suddenly morphing into america's virtual al-qaeda i think this is part of what obama calls the asian habit which is really in china and this cyber thing is is fits right into that pattern i think what we're looking at is art of this obama pivot to focus on china and to paint china is the new military threat to the world it's a demonization china earlier this month u.s. president barack obama signed an executive order aimed at strengthening america's
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cyber defenses when you know hackers steal people's identities and infiltrate private e-mails we know foreign countries and companies swipe our corporate secrets . now our enemies are also seeking the ability to sabotage our power grid our financial institutions our traffic control systems we cannot look back years from now and wonder why we did nothing in the face of real threats to our security and our comp but according to reports washington is all too familiar with the offensive side of cyber war it's the u.s. who launches things like stuxnet that together with israel to to cripple certain iranian technology capabilities in two thousand and ten a computer virus known as stuxnet infected tehran's enrichment facilities destroying nearly one thousand of iran's six thousand centrifuges according to reports the virus made entirely out of code was a joint collaboration between the us and israel in terms of
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a pandora's box i think it will be slightly harder for the united states to adopt a position of purely be things that we sort of made it clear that we're willing to use cyber in advance of our national interest while reports about china's a legit cyber attacks have dominated u.s. mainstream media much less is being said about the pentagon's decision to double down on its cyber war workforce expanding from nine hundred to more than forty five hundred employees experts say the move is indicative of washington's evolving military strategy every commander with whom i have spoken is going to be the next major or will include is cyber component it will just be a traditional insurgency a body of their craft a century of ground troops the next floor almost certainly will include
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a cyber component and the edge of cyber war france could become foes by the click of a mouse and some say in a very short time relations between the u.s. and china over virtual espionage can resemble the law. long stalemate that took place at the soviet union during the cold war forty nine r.t. new york and there are three dot com right now you can have your say express your opinions on what is going on between the u.s. and china in our current poll let's have a look at the numbers and see how you've been voting so far at r.t. dot com here come the numbers now they do change just a little bit every hour but still though the majority of voters saying this is just a p.r. stunt part of obama's p.r. campaign down now to the second position as you can see in movies or purple there it's all about espionage coming in a thirteen percent well that's a glimpse into world war three that sounds rather dramatic and the bare minimum now of six percent saying that the whole hacker war scandal between the u.s. and china well it's
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a warning to china directly from the obama administration we are still taking your votes that are to dot com never too late now to get involved. i think. this is artsy and it is the second and final day of voting in italy and a parliamentary campaign for what with a bit of rhetoric and also very tough questions about that of austerity yesterday so major party leaders costing their ballots with the vote of a serial scandal survivor silvio berlusconi as you can see here being targeted by protesters are once again the topless group of fame and activists they crushed his photo opportunity like they do so well they were chanting enough with but
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a scone and before they got tackled by police a strong factions include the democrats and a new anti austerity party fronted by a firebrand blogger and comedian paul t. so i really got to report on a vote that is supposed to set up at least future. the streets of rome aligned with posters from various political parties and candidates all smiles and bright colors offering the best future possible for italian voters. it seems like. a lot of people to be coming to my. parents yet just. because. i was getting so. close not the leader but the face of a movement whose plan is simple to do away with the politics that italy has been
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used to for the past couple of decades and bring about a new type of rule. number saved on my part i don't feel protected by the state i want to state that is visible. there is no state in this country just the bureaucracy of laws that has replaced democracy there isn't anything left among the crowds disillusioned with italy's politics is done nearly alice has started small by successfully challenging politicians in his small hometown in the south like many talents he does not trust the current political system with the bill i believe that. there will be about was a big piece. of that. but it is time for a change at least one hundred thousand people showed up to support their lows movement in the center of rome the biggest political gathering in half a century people say popular because it speaks clearly and they say it's one of the main thing to say this they have to go or home or home.
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they're finished at this right because the the political class has lost in the in the influence on the entrepreneur to the population especially young people. the crisis is we have a political class absolutely unable to cope with the situation and the situation is a desperate one the longest recession in twenty years more than one third of the country's youth are without a job corruption that feeds organized crime and manages to siphon off as much as sixty billion euro a year by some estimates and declaring wealth divide between various a tally and regions basically italy's huge a parliament will have a mouthful to chew to avoid choking on the problems which have accumulated over the years perhaps doing away with the old men in suits no matter how respectable they may appear in favor of a foul mouth but seemingly honest comedian may be just the thing to put an end to
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italy's political drama in rome it in a. and the voting officially closes at fourteen hundred g.m.t. today with exit polls made available very shortly after but already though a political analyst. he doubts any of the candidates will deliver on their promises to rein in italy's finances. well the problem of europe is not the problem of public debts this is a financial assault that has been concerted by private entities to milk money from the eurozone that said of course berlusconi is not really the best choice to to drive around these difficult obstacles and the moment he wasn't really so much better despite being well connected with financial world has a wonderful work. but very little continent and this is a bit worrying because as soon as you get in it gets in parliament but it's not
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just italian politics will make politics in the world and frankly for the moment i don't feel he is really well equipped i hope he will make up because anyhow he will come up with a sizable number of parliament to do this but they have really to study very hard and very fast to come up with something credible. this is r.t. and america's new foreign secretary kicks off his first foreign tour he's on a friendly visit to britain for testing of all she would say some rather uncertain waters and eight other european and middle eastern countries that are coming up here on r.t. in just a just a few minutes. but for now the german chancellor angela merkel's caused a bit of a stir in turkey by calling for talks on a session to the e.u. to be restarted the delays in talks of course great annoyance there found by opposition and some e.u. states over human rights and economic issues let's get more on the visit now
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phillip miss felder m.p. and our foreign policy spokesman for merkel zinah christian democratic party joining us live her life here on r.t. good to see you today sir thanks for coming on the program of all the european leaders why is the german chancellor angela merkel so keen to restart a session talks with the turkey coming into the e.u. . we want to have a good reliable partnership with turkey but on the other hand side we know that the more extended europe and more extended european union will cause much much more problems we can see that we are not able to integrate a country like countries like romania bulgaria and even for foreign policy issues we see many many problems regarding deferring to the full membership of the turkey for european union that makes it very difficult so you're forecasting problems that then then why indeed the zigler merkel saying let's restart the talks. yeah because if we want to have we we are in the continuous dialogue with the turks we try to
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all reopened some of the. procedures was brussels and. but on the other hand side where my own party knows difficult to do with the turks so what we suggest and even going back in your own head trip in turkey itself that we need a closer cooperation without a full membership of the turks in the european union so i suppose one of the question should be who stands to benefit here if indeed turkey the talks are restart if it's ok to join the e.u. is it turkey is going to benefit or is it going to be the e.u. that benefits. i think turkey would benefits more the us do in a crisis in a very deep crisis we can see the economic recession we can see the institutional crisis and we see again to use a crisis of our common currency and that makes it very difficult to find together a common approach for issues like foreign policy for energy policy that's why i think that we should try to cooperate with the turks without having
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a full membership. of them in the european union that makes it easier for instance in the security issues we can in security issues we can cooperate with them. in nato or on the by letter level but not necessarily in a group we're just not fully fit what about how the issue of human rights certainly the e.u. like to talk harold how it always has an excellent human rights and their staff and the other but however unlike europe turkey for example ankara has more journalists jailed in iran and china come behind what would make of that or is she just simply conveniently ignoring that aspect of it. no she's definitely talking about and she's also taking care of the problems of the kurdish minority so this is an issue where we have to talk in a very friendly and open way with with our partners in ankara but finally it is absolutely clear that for strategic reasons we need to turks we need
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a closer cooperation but this is very difficult because it's much more a question about became like a religious question being a member of a fundamental religious question being member of the european union or not that makes it very difficult because my party in our country is against a full membership in this long as we are in power in germany in berlin it makes it very difficult to agree on this was the turks on this issue mr mistretta you said that your party is basically against this against turkey coming into the e.u. but as far as i understand turkey is growing strongly economically speaking do you think it's perhaps why yes it's a potentially lose a prosperous nation floating away from the e.u. . it depends it depends on the future of the european union if the european union is something or would be something like the british government it wants to have a club of members where the it was the senior members are cooperating in an economic way where some of them are joining the common currency. where the super
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european union is not coming together in many many other fields then turkey would be a partner which we would fit to. just drop but on the other hand side there are many voices and most of there are from france and from germany who once you have a closer cooperation in the european union and to wants to have a united more united europe that makes it very difficult with the turks for one example one example the the borders of the turks to iran and to other to iraq to other places or in syria the makes it very difficult to to have to imagine a european union which these kind of brought us absolutely right i certainly would have bring new meaning to foreign policy in that region philip misspelt foreign policy spokesman for the christian democratic union party thank you very much for coming on r.t. today. well while the new secretary of state looks to me get off on the right foot with allies u.s.
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special forces get the boot from a crucial afghan province their election involvement in the torture and murder of locals are sparked outrage a ban threatens to leave a key area next to kabul without protection and other stories to be addressed in just a couple of. technology innovation all these developments around. the future. you think you understand it. and realize that everything. is a big. news
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today. these are the images. from the streets of canada. thank you for joining us here. at the newly appointed u.s. secretary of state john kerry he's in london on the leg of his official foreign tour it's the start of a. country trip which will take him to europe and the middle east one of his main goals is to keep america's allies across the atlantic involved in the arab world.
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report. john kerry's aides have described this as a listening tour effectively mr kerry wants to gauge opinion on a number of issues but particularly firstly the syrian conflict and secondly the growing threat of his islamic extremism mr kerry said on the eve of this trip that he wants to face the challenges of extremists who were trying to in his words hijack the arab spring revolutions and as part of that today he does want to encourage our european countries and britain to continue with their foreign aid policies because he believes that in itself is a good way of trying to influence the hearts and minds of people who do live in the middle east and also north africa but it could be an argument or struggle to win today with the british prime minister david cameron because he is a man who is under an awful lot of pressure to actually cut back on foreign aid given the fact that the u.k. is on the brink of a triple dip recession so there is a lot to talk about if there is time and bear in mind mr kerry is only here for one
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day britain will also try to raise the issue of the falkland islands it is understood that the u.s. will not recognize the results of a referendum in the fall k'naan is next month over the issue of sovereignty so as i say a lot to talk about he's only here for a number of hours but top of the list will be syria he will be going across europe to germany to france to italy and also to see where he'll meet members we understand of the syrian opposition coalition and also head to the middle east but he won't be going to israel or palestine that will happen next month in march alongside president obama we are told that is because they want to give the prime minister israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu time to form a new government. reporting right there or washington is planning to shift the burden of its foreign wars to nato allies that's according to a drawn recent expert on american foreign policy. it's always been very important for the americans to keep the nato alliance together but they always wanted to keep
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it together on their own terms it's always been the case for instance that the senior commanding officer in nato is from the american armed forces and what the americans constantly want to do is to shift the burden of military intervention on to the european powers but to keep political control all the process and i think what we've seen that a number of times recently especially since the american focus is now beginning to shift towards the pacific to deal with the rising threat of china we are going to his room the europeans know how to take on a greater share of burden in respect of policing the arab world and north africa what we're seeing here is an attempt to convince the nato allies that they should pay more but have no more influence let's shift our attention now to that of syria where the government says it is open to dialogue with the opposition even its armed factions and the country's foreign minister said that during talks with the russian diplomats right here in moscow the prospects for peace of suffered yet another blow
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the key rebel group has withdrawn from all international talks complaining of a lack of international pressure on the assad regime got a person off brings us details. this visit is taking place at a very uncertain time it's really not clear what's needed to be done in order to get the syrian opposition engage in talks with the government and saddam askers it does stress that it is really for dialogue with the opposition and if the last week there were some positive signals coming from the wells they said that they were willing to hold talks with the government now they refuse coming to moscow accusing russia of supporting president assad foreign minister lavrov for us once again that moscow is on either side of this conflict and has called on syrian of gordie's not to yield to provoke asians used it almost wish to see the number of those who support this realistic approach towards a peaceful resolution is growing those who want to continue fighting to the end realize that so they're trying to suppress positive news from the opposition and
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stop any steps towards dialogue which will in the meantime soon after thirty years have put together a government commission headed by the prime minister designed specifically for negotiations with the opposition and they say that they are ready to talk even with armed rebels. we are ready for dialogue with everyone including those who are fighting on the ground as we are convinced that we forums should not be need for bloodshed pursuing a government that is not in conflict only with the opposition but is also fighting against militants and terrorists from nearly thirty countries recruited by terror organizations like al qaeda operating there in syria and there are also reports of a major influx of heavy oil was reportedly supplied to the rebels in the past few weeks which is obviously fueling even more. violence and bringing to more deaths
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and foreign minister lavrov a stress if nothing is done now and no political process start if the violence continues there then the whole country is on the brink of collapse. artie's you go to prison of reporting right let's get into the world update now very quickly starting with paul garia. about of the country to show their anger at the rising utility costs on corruption in the energy sector ten thousand were in the capital alone waving national fly and chanting anti-government slogans and this just a week after countrywide protests forced the conservative party to resign from power. a blast at a chemical factory in the southwestern chinese city of where yang is injured five and forced twenty thousand others to evacuate the area firefighters arrived at the scene bringing the flames under control the huge plumes of black smoke environmental workers are now on the scene checking the air quality
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afghanistan's president hamid karzai has ordered u.s. special forces out of two provinces the americans will link to the torture and murder of local villagers in an area seen as vital for defending the capital kabul the move comes as nato prepares to hand responsibility for security to local forces by twenty fourteen politics professor patricia de gennaro says afghanistan will just have to struggle on its side. the wardak province is you know the family is strong the place is one ball it's how i think they're kind of tired as well as most afghans so having u.s. forces going in and out of people's houses it is an uncommon cards that president karzai needs to take care of his own situation but seeds definitely president karzai is trying to make a statement and our fact they haven't come to an agreement yet they you know there is there's still a little i'm sure power play going on between the u.s. and the president as to who's going to stay who's going to be in charge you know what kind of numbers they want and how they're going to work but absolutely you
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know afghan leader is going to have to show that he has a little bit more support throughout the nation and just his region and within the south there well let's get some sporting action here on our. next in just a minute. download
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the official publication so choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television and pull it just doesn't matter so how would your mobile device if you could watch your t any time anyway. hello welcome to the r.t.s. boat show with me. coming up this half an hour of sporting action from russia and around the world these are the top stories. top of the class off to a week when all three russian sides reached the last sixteen of the europa league we learn.


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